Millions of data points
It takes mountains of trusted data to provide helpful information on every major metro, city, town, and neighborhood in America. Plus, the real estate experience to know what future movers need to know.
All data is from trusted sources
Our first source for data is from US government entities. Outside sources are fact-checked and reviewed.
The US Census is the primary data site for the US government and major institutions across the US. 2021 is the most recent data year for the US Census.
Crime data is derived from the FBI crime data explorer. Each crime in America was collected across multiple files with millions of cells per state.
NCES provides annual information for public and private schools along with School Districts. The most recent year is the 2021-2022 school year.
Information and data on educational progress in the United States through Proficiency Scores.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development data site provides fair market rents for select jurisdictions.
An independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, providing information for healthcare rankings.
Data decides, we double check.
After gathering, cleaning, and analyzing data, we use weighted ranking formulas to analyze the data and determine rankings. For instance, an expensive housing area with a low percentage of seniors and snowy winters isn’t the perfect retirement area — for most.

The Best, Worst, Wealthiest, and More...
45 trending topics that matter for today’s mover
Best Metros in America
Best Metros For Renting
Best Cities in America
Best Metros For Families
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