Over 120,000 public and private schools analyzed, ranked, and graded.
(702) 636-2551
Students: 232
Grades: KG to 05
Students: 571
Grades: PK to 5
Diversity: B
Teacher Ratio: B
Students: 444
Grades: 3 to 5
Diversity: A-
Teacher Ratio: C-
Students: 189
Grades: PK to 8
Diversity: F
Teacher Ratio: B+
Students: 513
Grades: PK to 8
Diversity: NR
Teacher Ratio: B
Students: 163
Grades: KG to 3
Diversity: NR
Teacher Ratio: NR
(718) 726-0501
Students: 534
Grades: KG to 8
Diversity: A
Teacher Ratio: B
Students: 37
Grades: KG to 6
Diversity: F
Teacher Ratio: A+
If you’re starting your search, see where the top rated schools are. Then, keep exploring. We have every major city, metro, county, and zip code for you to research.
Our first data source always comes from official sources, including Census.gov, FBI.gov. Weighted formulas are then used to determine rankings after gathering, cleaning, and analyzing data.
45 trending topics that matter for today’s mover
Renter’s insurance benefits far outweigh the cost. Especially considering how far some protections extend, even outside of your residence.
Moving containers and rental trucks each have their advantages. Choosing the right one for your move can make for a smoother, less stressful experience.
An HOA demand informs escrow or your attorney of the dues, fees, and costs of the homeowners association.
HOA capital contributions are collected when a home in an HOA is sold. What’s it used for and who pays the contribution fee?
Planning on relocating after retirement? A move to a new state can be stressful. Get settled easily with these helpful tips.
Contingencies exist to protect a buyer’s earnest deposit. What are the common contingencies in real estate you should know?
The difference between condos and townhouses is often thought to be their construction style. The type of ownership is what defines the two.
Earnest money is a good faith deposit. Like many deposits, it comes with risk. How can you lose your earnest money when buying a home?
Real estate has lots of fees. Asking who pays for the HOA resale package is normal. By law, the seller is required to pay in most states.
SPOILER: The answer is not to compete at all. Corporate landlords have their own strict buying guidelines. Knowing them gives YOU the edge.
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First&Sold is a Nevada licensed real estate brokerage and an LV REALTORS and National Associations of REALTORS member. First&Sold is not directly affiliated with referring brokerages.
Corporate Office: 9890 S. Maryland Parkway Suite 200-A, Las Vegas, NV 89183
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